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I have all three. But given my time constraints, I tend to play games that I can just pick up and play for a while. I've just found that the 'cube meets MY PERSONAL preferences on that score the best.

That's what I'm looking at too... like "I have 20 minutes waiting for a render to be done... how can I kill some time?"

Bought it tonight. Gotta love Nintendo and proprietary cables...

Hmm.. power... a regular, run of the mill power cable like on every computer and monitor in the world? (what is that connector called anyway? IEEE0001?) No... it's some proprietary floorwart that terminates in the symbol for the Metis culture with pin 2 running 48 degrees out of phase.

And lessee... video and analog audio... RCAs, right? No. A 468 pin edge connector in the shape of the Sha-Na-Na logo.

Lastly - controllers. Come onnnn a D-sub connector... no. A series of tip-sleeve pins that look like they're from an elephant's tattoo gun slipped discreetly into a DIN connector that's been hammered flat on one side in the Dwarvish forges.

The games are fun, sitting 4 feet in front of a VP-150 brings a whole new life to gaming and I've discovered a brand new and annoying buzzing noise out of my STF-2.

Bren R.