Hello everyone, First time posting on any forum. I've been reading a lot of great advice but still am uncertain of what will be best for me.
I am doing a basement home theatre, 13.5 x 22 ft (7.5 ft ceiling) room with another room attached by a 4 foot open entry (10 x 15 ft (11 ft ceiling)). I plan to put the mains on the long wall and so will sit back about 9-10 ft from them.
What will be the differences in sound between the Grand Master and the Epic 50 Home Theatre. I note that surrounds and fronts are different but sub and center are same. Which system will be best for my room or do you have other suggestions? Oh yeah, I like music and HT 50-50% and listen to music like Boston, Fleetwood Mac, Eagles, Metallica, Erci Clapton.