Ooooh, bad story from me! I was entitled to a refund this year, so you'd better believe I did my taxes in February, too! I got the nice note from the gov't saying they were direct-depositing my refund. I usually pay my taxes online so I didn't think much of it for a month or so . . . after 6 weeks I called them and found out they had deposited my refund to the last account they had issued a refund to, which I had CLOSED IN 1999!!! Aaacchhh! After much consternation (hard to get info without a bank account number!) I finally found out from a nice bank manager that my refund had been posted to the account, which was now held by SOMEONE ELSE! The bank issued a recall on the funds, but so far I am still waiting and waiting for the government to get the money back and mail it to me. Oh my! Lesson learned!