I have the Monster HTS2600 PowerCenter.

I know! I know! I don't believe, for a minute, that it has any effect, at all, on the way my system sounds. And, it's overpriced for what you get. However, I got mine off eBAY for considerably less than list price, but still too much. And, it has a couple of features I really like. The Current Usage indicator is one thing.

It also has two timed outlets which means that when it turns on, my electronics are powered up BEFORE my sub, thereby eliminating any sub driver thump. When the 2600 is turned off the sub turns off first, then the electronics. It also has two unswitched outlets, and six switched, for a total of 10 outlets.

Though it is not controllable with a remote, it has two different ways of linking it to your receiver, or other component, so that it goes on and off when the receiver does.

And, of course, it gives a modicum of peace of mind to know that my equipment has some level of protection.

I like it.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton