Two big investmensts are going south ;-(

First I made a big investment in time to wire an optical TOSLINK cable from my computer to my 200 dollar Sony receiver - that investment intially worked great but..

This week I paid 900 dollar for a NAD 753 receiver and when I got it home it would not read the feed from the computer. Have been playing around with this for a couple of days and can't get it to work - girlfriend ( who was already sceptical of 'upgrade' is now thinking I have screw loose.....)

The NAD receiver plays the optical output from my CD player fine - it just cannot cope with the one from the computer - its 'Digital' indicator blinks on and off to indicate no input.

The CD player says it is outputing a sampling freq of 48KHz - when I send it to the Sony receiver, the receiver displays PCM 44.1. When I send the computer optical to my Sony receiver it displays PCM 48. It is happy to play both.

The NAD receiver does not give any indication of what sampling freq it thinks the CD player is sending it......

Sort of stumped - the sound card was a cheapish one recommended by Thasp - maybe a more expensive one would allow me to send at different freqeuencies and hope to hit on one the NAD likes??

Will be talking to NAD people today obviously....worried that becuase the CD player works, they will dismiss it as a crazy computer problem.....