I'm glad to hear back from at least a smpling that those kind of of levels are uncomfortable.
I spent way too many years going to hundreds of live shows where the levels were just out of control. Spent 10 years seeing the Dead. While they played really loud for years, for the last several I was going, Healy, their sound genius, finally figured out that the band was doing more damage to themselves and their fans than they realized with the sound levels. He was the driving force behind the band going over to the in-ear monitors and under-the-stage amps, and then activly kept the levels in the hall in check as well. He took a lot of heat for it from the fans, but just said that he was not going to continue to damage the band's hearing, or their fan's either.
Now I'm pretty careful about my ears, always have the plugs in with power tools, the lawn mower, while on the bike, ect...
I know my hearing is not what it could be. I can hear a pin drop if I am only listening to one thing, but if I am in a crowded restaurant I have a terrible time hearing normal conversation.
And my music is too cherished to me to do any more damage than I already have.
I'm glad that some of the rest of you guys are doing the same.

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