Geeezzz, for a second there I was going to reply that that was just too mean, beating up on a guy like that. Then I realized it was you that posted it. Good on ya'.
And Ravi, if you really do need to build a shelf, Markjohnson posted a great pic of the shelf that he built (I think it may have been included in the mother of all posts) for his center channel.
I may actually steal some of his design, as I am getting ready to have a local furniture maker help design and build a new rack for my A/V stuff.
Sorry 'bout the job. But think of all of the free time you will have to listen to your gear, or take up skeet shooting with those Dual Discs!

Axioms; For when you've just Gotta have More Cowbell! 60s 150 350 8s 2is RX-V2500 DVD-C750 2900