> ...paint the back wall behind your screen a flat black...
The photos are taken with the flash so they err on the bright side. The purple paint is actually quite dark when the lights go off. The white ceiling is the only bright spot, but usually does not bother much. I used the "digital gray" hue from Goo Systems and the contrast seems quite sufficient. The only little window in the room is covered so there is no ambient light at all. The screen paint took some time to settle (there were visible stripes for a month or so but then it dried out and looks very clean now). And for $150 I doubt there would be a better 110" screen.
As for the speakers I had to place the surrounds a bit more to the front that I would like to. The room is not huge and the back row of seats is against the wall. I am thinking of setting another pair of QS8's on the back wall (I have panny HTIB speakers in the back now). I've read that most people set direct radiating speakers in the back but I guess they would be too close and too directional.
The only trouble with the system is that after a year of having it I can't stand the TV anymore (of any size). I still did not get the second dish descrambler in the HT and don't regret at all. Keeps the place just for the music and the movies - no distructions.