John: if you go to the Denon USA website, there is no 4802 advertised for sale. The units go from the 3805 to the 5805 with no 4000 series.

Now, if you go to the Denon Canada website, they have the 3805, 4802, still have the 5803 and the new 5905. I had no idea that there was an existing 4000 series until I saw it on the ubid website a couple of weeks ago.

Makes me wonder if they will sell the new 4000 series in the U.S.

Why is different gear being offered in Canada than the U.S.?

Go Figure?????

The Rat. M80s, VP-150, QS8s, SVS PC 20-39+, OPPO, Onkyo 703s, Harmony 880 Sony 60" SXRD HDTV