I am beginning to wonder if some of the cable/ wire "observations" were a result of poor cable to connector joints. I have seen some strange results that resulted from cold solder joints, loose connections, wear, and just plain crud on the fixtures. I have seen some cables that measured fine at DC, but were terrible at RF, but I digress.

I am also wondering if some of the cable manufacturers demonstrations weren't of the variety of the old "snake oil" salesman.

Perhaps these comments explain why some refuse to understand scientific fact. Sometimes seeing (hearing) is not believing. Wasn't it David Copperfield that had those wonderful illusions? Great, weren't they?

This thread won't die so let's enjoy it!

Anyone want to comment on what type of connectors that they use? I bought some "fancy" banana plug connectors from BlueJeans. First time I have ever seen banana plugs where you can actually expand the prong. There are two screws to fasten the cable to the connector. Pretty slick.

OK, 2X6, your turn.

The Rat. M80s, VP-150, QS8s, SVS PC 20-39+, OPPO, Onkyo 703s, Harmony 880 Sony 60" SXRD HDTV