I have the 20 GB version and I have over 1500 songs in my iPod, using only 7.5 GBs. My only problem with the iPod is the design. If you use headphones other than the buds that come with them, sometimes the slighest pull of the headphone cord will cause the iPod to pause. Not even setting the lock can stop it from happening. It is annoying, and from an engineering standpoint, I think the iPod has a ways to go. Also, if you have a PC, be aware that some users of iTunes 4.7.1, myself included, have had issues with the software crashing the computer. My iPod came with 4.7, some I reinstalled the more stable version. I think 4.8 has been released so maybe that fixes the issue.

Edited to add: I would buy the iPod directly from Apple. I had a problem with mine after two weeks and they replaced it, no questions asked. An internet site or stores with draconian return policies like Best Buy would probably make you send it for repairs.

Last edited by royce73; 06/03/05 06:27 PM.