Before you hand over cash for the MMF-CD25, you might wanna check out the Onix XCD-88...same thing, different box, LOTS less money. Any "mods" done on the MMF can be done on the XCD.

And I gotta agree with 2x6 AND NeverHappy.

The mods can make things better - but this player is pretty dang good to start with. Also, the price for the mods is an outright fleecing, so watch out. Those new op-amps are nice, for instance, but a "pricey" op-amp is in the $10-20 range bought one at a time - and it takes about 30 seconds to change it out.

There are other changes they throw in there, but this discussion has been about the SOUND, not the rest, like gold plated connectors and the like.

JohnK, I was once skeptic about it too. But "audibly flawless" and actually flawless can be worlds apart. I don't know if I'd hear a difference if I "modified" my Onix, because it's soooooo good right now, that last 1/1000% of change is probably NOT audible. But I blind A/B'ed it (as is) with my $39 kmart special - and you can absolutely hear a difference. (I'm trying to avoid saying it's "better" - that part's up to you!)