Ok, here is the setup. The I/O 150 is going into the center of the white horizontal mantel. The I/O 22s are going on the vertical white columns. The TV will be mounted above the white horizontal mantel (and will fill most of that space).

Where to mount the 22s?

Option 1 - bottom of the 22s is flush with the bottom of the white horizontal mantel

Option 2 - the top of the 22s is flush with the top of the white horizontal mantel

The centerline on the white horizontal mantel is at 52.5"
That is 8" above the ears at seated listening area.

So is it 1 or 2?

(Already checked for heat at both areas with a fire and we are good)

Pio 94,SB3,BD30,A35,Pio 48AV.Pronto 7000 controlling all. Getting ready for 22s, 150 & QS8s.