I generally avoid these conversations. They never end well. Emotion overrules rational thought and discussion, and conversation crumbles into insults. I found the opening post one of curiosity, and maybe a dash of baiting, but I did not find it insulting or from a position of moral superiority.

Protesting is a constitutionally protected rite. Rioting and looting, however, are not and should be dealt with immediately. I raised my hand and swore an oath to protect the constitution of the United States of America - even the right to burn the flag I love, despite my disgust towards that act of protected free speech. I did not serve to protect a thug that thinks he/she can rob me or my neighbors without punishment. Without law and order, anarchy prevails.

What's happening now is wrong. Extremist groups have exploited a terrible act of police brutality and turned this into an opportunity to divide this country during an election year. These "protests" are occurring in democratic cities too, coincidence? I think not. The media is not covering things fairly either. They are calling riots and looting - peaceful protests. They are lying. There is nothing peaceful about burning a building down, or throwing Molotov cocktails at police cars.

I have spent my entire adult life enjoying a unique position of middle ground. That's probably due to my study of philosophy, and thinking deeply about things. I vote for who I think will do the best job, not for a "party". Both liberals and conservatives have perspectives that deserve respect and thought. There must be a balance of both, or the entire system breaks down. George Washington warned against a two-party system in his farewell address. He was correct. We are seeing his predictions come true now.

When Trump was elected, the narrative was no longer an argument between liberal and conservative viewpoints, but about Trump; and if you hated him, or loved him. Middle ground no longer exists. The media and the political establishment has waged war on him, and are openly hostile and dishonest, or downright liers. He has bought much of that onto himself by his horrid choice of words and woeful lack of charisma that liberals view a critical characteristic their leaders must-have. Despite my agreement with most of his policy choices and direction he is taking the country, I dread hearing him talk or seeing some of his tweets. I get why liberals loath the guy. It's unfortunate they can't see past his shortcomings and take a more neutral posture towards policy and seek the truth verse be lead by the nose by the mindless group think mob that hates him so much.

Journalism is dead from what I can tell. It's all about ratings and pandering to an audience that will fund executive bonus checks. There was a time when I would watch some MSNBC, then FOX News to see both sides of an argument. Then I'd watch CNN to find middle ground. Now, I can't take a second of CNN or MSNBC. FOX has now become "middle ground" for me. I just ignore the talking heads. I am now right of center, no longer interested in being labeled a racist or bigot because I disagree with a liberal viewpoint. The pendulum has moved way too far left and needs to swing a bit to the right. Balance is needed. I only hope it doesn't go too far, now that the media is no longer interested in honest and fair reporting. They are supposed to be the ones who keep lunatics on both sides of an argument in check. Now they are active participants.