Oh...speaking of subs and kids and stuff......

A funny thing happened

I had been doing lots of research trying to come up with just the right driver to replace the 10" Peerless I'd installed in my sub cabinet while we lived in the old house.

The driver worked just fine in the old house...would put out about 100db before bottoming(according to the new plots I ran a couple weeks ago)But it would bottom too readily in this new larger listening room when I tried to give it more than about 85W. It also didn't go quite low enough to be really fun in some action flicks(the neighborhood sub wars are still under truce, and I don't wish to cause a problem; but I CAN go somewhat lower without a complaint as long as I'm cool about it-I went outside during some rousing scenes and it ain't as bad as I thought it would be) Anyway; found a driver that will fit the cabinet perfectly and give me a 3db down point at .707 of nine db lower than I had, and give me a safe 105db at 250W with a headroom of nearly 6db. So bottoming will never be an issue with my anemic little 250 watts

Whatever!....I was talking to the Wife about it(She wasen't listening cause She really dosen't care)but She knew I was studying the plots and had it narrowed down to....one.

She mentioned it to our oldest daughter(no....not the one who gave us the Kids; the one who's house we stay at during hurricanes)and she snuck over and scoffed up one of the website coversheets for the driver I'd decided upon.

Birthdays are a double edged sword

Monday morning I'll have my nose to the front window glass watching for the truck But there is a downside

The fun part....the research....is over!!!!!!!

I must add, however, that I am very much appreciative of her act of kindness in getting me this little monster. Watching her little Sisters' kids would have put the purchase off til at least after the Holidays

Last edited by F107plus5; 09/15/05 12:29 AM.