Ah.....but unfortunately, it's the neighbors families that are the potential problems.

We came close to a break-down in the truce last year around the 4th of July when one of the neighbors brought out a coupla guitar amps and proceeded to have somewhat of a wild little get-together.

A few other neighbors threw open their windows(air conditioners be damned)and brought their subs up to speed. It almost got nasty, but there were no casualties.

Apparently a year or so before we moved in, the subs were getting a little outta hand a couple streets over, but it's been kinda quiet for the last year or so.

Our homes are fairly close together in our community, and some of the older ones were built before air was popular, and so actually can live(survive)through the summer with open windows(and subs)

But now....after monday next....if the sub wars recommence....I..Am..Able..to ........ESCALATE!!!