well, the problem with posting on an AXIOM forum is you should already know the answer you are going to get....and it WILL be biased. I have never heard Totem's, but i plan to shortly. I have m60ti's and they are pretty darned good for the money, but....Paradigm studio 100's and Thiel 1.6's kick their ass as far as sound in my opinion. they are good, but....there is a good reason those other brands are twice the price. i guess what i'm saying is, be your own judge, find someone who has axioms to listen to or borrow even...and then take all things into consideration.

if you are already using totem's for your HT, i would stick with them so the timber matching is as close as can be. totem's are very well regarded speakers, and btw...dont' mistake Montreal Quebec ppl as being rude...it might just be lost in the transation. abruptness and being short are sometimes just them struggling with english...

just my thoughts

Axiom M60Ti Infinity 2000.6 x 4 Infinity RS1 rear Infinity CC200 HSU VTF3 - MKII