
I havent have more time to spend with the ST70, as my boss took it home after he listened to it. He will run it with Polk's RTi10 and check if he likes it. He also states to have a pair of Acoustic Research speakers in the same basement where the ST70 was, but he thinks that they need repair. So, if he does not have the AR speakers in a repairable state, then he will sell me the ST70... sweet.

Now, I learn how important placement was. The M22 in the front where much amazing for sounstage, and I was wondering what happened with the M80?? well, a little bit of tweaking position here and there, and some considerable toe-in, and voila!! they sound more open and spatially correct, so it was not just the ST70 amp, but the fact that the M22 for their size and my listening room are a much better fit than the M80's.

Anyhow, I did enjoyed the ST70, and looking forward to buy it. There is a little bit of repair to do, mainly wiring, and who knows, maybe installing one of the mod kits available in the internet (thanks for the links guys).
