I talked with SeanF for an audition recently and he's too busy to do one. You can PM PaulM and see if he's available. He lives in St. Albert and let me audition his system just a few weeks ago. It sounded awesome, hence why I'm currently waiting for my system to arrive (... less then 3 weeks to go...). You can also try graphicsman, another guy who auditioned PaulM's system at the same time as me. He's ordering up a setup currently as well. It's almost like Axioms are a really good disease. Once you come in contact with it, you're bound to get it yoursef .

Anyways, If you're putting wire in your wall, I'd recommend putting a gauge or two bigger then what you currently need. That'll give you a little headroom in case you upgrade to a bigger system in the future. Check out monoprice.com for some great prices. They're cheap and excellent quality too. I've got 200' of 12 gauge speaker wire and a bunch of banana plugs sitting in my room right now. The only problem is the insulation on the 12 guage wire is a little to big for the banana plugs, so to fit them in the back I have to trim down the insulation. A bit of a pain, but once it's done it looks to be a great cable.

____________________________ M22 VP100 QS8 EP500 Yamaha HTR-5960