Thanks for the advice so far guys.
I was planning on using 12gag. cable. and today I read some of the threads and discussions on speaker wire as well as the link that JohnK provided. Very helpful stuff. Should I necessarily use banana plugs or can I just hardwire the cable directly to the amp and speaker? Is one method preferable for a certain reason?

Also, I have a bold question, at the risk of sounding ignorant, and I mean no disrespect... but if Axiom speakers are as great as people here say they are.. why aren't they sold in any stores? Wouldn't it be easier for me to listen to what I might want to buy at a stereo or audio store than to have to find someone who already owns them and them bug them by inviting myself over to their house? I don't know about most people but I would have an issue letting a stranger into my house to check out my stereo equipment. And I have two big dogs and an alarm system on my shack. Seems easier to go to a store.

Can someone explain "ohms" to me. What does it refer to exactly? What is the difference between 8ohms and 4 ohms and what does my amp run at? Again, excuse the ignorance, I havn't read all I want to on it yet. I will be checking more posts.

Last question (for today), in your opinions (I wanna hear it honestly) do you think my Marantz 4200 is enough amp to power a set of Axioms? And what size speakers should I be looking at for my 500+ sq.ft room on a 5.1 system, or should I maybe be considering an upgrade to a bigger amp or a 6.1 or 7.1 system? I'm not overly concerned with being able to blow the doors off, loud volume is not as important as sound quality to me, I got a baby on the way so I won't be cranking it up anyway.
Thanks again.