Actually, when I think about it. I only get the motion problem when watching HD TV thru directv. Mostly durring football games or when something is obviously moving quickly. Anyway, thank you guys for all of your thoughts. I am still just a tad unclear about how to deal with the different screen formats with the projector. Do I set up the screen so that it fits the 16 x 9 size I want and then it will just have the black bars above and below when I watch movies. If that is so I don't mind that at all. I would just hate to have to play with my projector everytime I wanted to watch a different format. Also, what about fan noise?? I have my room set up to mount it on the ceiling, but it is about 3 feet from where I sit. Will the noise from the fan be noticeable?? Thanks, everyone. The dvd player I have is an lg upconverting player. One thing I notice when I try to use the upconverting is that it introduces noise into my picture and actually makes it worse so I don't use it. Should this happen??? I think the model is Lgdvd 418. Would it be worth it to upgrade to the oppo or should I just wait a year for the combo HD/Blue ray to come out in the next year or so???

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center