ok, new question. My ceiling is only 7ft.6in high. I want to mount the projector there. Does this cause me any issues that I need to know about??? Lately it looks like the sanyo z5 might be best for my room since I have adjustable lighting in my room and it is in the basement were I have no ambient light. Anyway, what considerations am I missing. I would hate to buy a projector and it not be as good as my tv I already have. That would not work well for the wife I bet. I have decided to build the superchuncks in the corners of my front walls so I will be making a slightly smaller sreen around 91 in wide instead of 92. The projector will be mounted about 19 ft back from the wall. Thanks guys.

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center