
I've done a LOT of reading here and elsewhere, and the only times I've seen such claims is when someone is attributing them to some unnamed other person.

If you actually know of someone making these claims, feel free to point me. I've never seen it. I've never seen ANYONE recommend a 3-watt amp and/or reciever. I've never seen ANYONE saying that "any" receiver is as good as the best receiver.

Start the search with Johnk. You'll see the pattern unless you just want to argue with me over something as silly as this is. And use some common sense smarty-pants; I'm being sarcastic when I say one or three watts. But I am being serious when I say that John and others think any receiver you pull off a shelf in just about any Wal-Mart will play as loud as you could ever want.

So if we are all going to really argue over this, let’s not be generic. Cut this up into tangible pieces that can be disputed without all the other crap thrown in.

Are we going to argue sound quality in surround or stereo? Amps to amps or amps to receivers? Seperates to receivers? Using the processor’s DA’s or the players? How about Logic 7 verses Circle Surround? Dolby verses DTS?

Is there really a supreme being? I think he tripped me the other day, but maybe it was Darwin. I dunno for sure because I was reading an Excel spread sheet and graph telling me how my speakers sound and trying to get the F away from that damn monkey claiming to be my long lost brother who beamed down from his space ship last week.

I have a double dog dare your super duper blind 1080P verses 720P projector test to do.

There's a saying I like. "Don't prove me wrong to prove you right". I think it's fitting for this topic. The scientists are using data to prove that emotion and feeling does not exist and the believers are shaking their heads in sadness because the scientist will never "believe", so they will never “hear”.

Personally, I don't much care one way or the other and willing to pitch my tent in both camps as long as it isn't a dry camp and there's cute chics there.