36 ! Try 17 !! I had a 17 inch Zenith for years and years, sitting where the big screen was supposed to go.. Surrounded by changing sound systems, and furniture, etc.. But the t/v just stayed put ? I could not make up my mind which big set to get.. (Sound familiar ?) I even held 2 Super bowl parties with that thing !! Can you believe my friends came back the next year, knowing what I had for a t/v ??!! haha.. But they did.. You think it was the FREE beer ?? (I may be dumb, but I ain't stupid..)
Made up for it in spades this year.. 65 inch Mits in HiDef with 7.2 axiom sound ! And I STILL provided the beer ! haha.. What a guy..
Talk about shock and awe, those guys were speechless.. For weeks and weeks after, all they talked about was that picture.. They had never seen anything like it before..
Check 'em all out.. Make sure it's the one you want, but don't put it off too long.. Unlike my buddies, YOU already KNOW what you are missing. .hahah
I've seen the prices falling on most sets.. It doesn't have to be a top of the line model, just so long as it can take HD.. You can alway add an HD reciever.. And those are coming down as well.. I've even heard that some cable companies are offering the HD receivers as part of some contracts ?? Check on that ?

LFE ! The rest is just details..