Thanks for all the input everyone. Yes, I definitely need to get an SPL meter. As far as the receiver goes, I am using the Emotiva combo LMC-1 LPA-1. I don't have a picture with me, but I can take one and post it later. I would say my mains are about 8ft apart and my center is pretty dead center of that. My seating position is about 12 ft away. I'll have to check the equalization. As far as DPS mode, it defaults to the mode the DVD uses, but I have played with the different modes and haven't noticed a big difference. I will say that this is most noticable for movies. two channel music sounds much cleaner. As far as the speakers being out of phase, i'll double check, but I doubt it. I took my time setting it up so it should be right. It definitely can't hurt to check though. Well, I'll reply back with what I find out later. Any other suggestions are welcome and I can check those too. Thanks everyone.