Thanks, yea I do read those websites everyday. I almost hate waiting for the next review to show up. It is just frustrating. First I worry that the new projectors won't make me as happy as my old 720 hitachi ultravision 65s500 but I WANT the movie experience with the big screen. I believe I can safely do a 100 inch or 106 screen. I plan on watching hd dvd and hd sat and blu ray down the line. I got the a2 for 98 at walmart. The picture is amazing. Anyway,I want the picture to be sharp clear and colors correct and the blacks to be black and not gray. In other words I want the picture to look how it is supposed to look. My tv right now does that and I would hate to have buyers remorse and have a product that won't satisfy what I am looking for.

7.1 theater room
60 fronts vp180 center 4 qs8's ep500 sub

3.0 tv room
m3's vp150 center