And to think that just in the last 2-3 months things went from high praise for the HD-DVD format and to how Blu-Ray was going to fail, to a complete flip flop for some people. This thing is far from over.

All that this crap does is drag this thing out longer. Consumers are confused as heck about the two formats, and by Sony making deals with more studios to go exclusively Blu-Ray isn't going to help. Until everyone goes one way, the other way, or back to both ways, this will go on for a while. Besides, all of the Blu-Ray backers need HD-DVD to "hang on a little longer" to help drive Blu-Ray players down.

If anything, this just ticks me off more about Blu-Ray. They (mainly Sony) never had the consumer in mind from day 1, and so they just keep throwing money around to force their technology on people, and we, the consumer, let them... Makes me mad! (in case you couldn't tell...)

Farewell - June 4, 2020