You have pointed out a glaring flaw in my Opus - Band of Brothers. While really a TV show, the DVD (and surely the BR) has several scenes that are incredible. The parachute scene, early on, is so lifelike you can understand (to a degree) the fear of being there. The other (that comes to mind) is the battle of the bulge when the artillery is going off in the tree-tops. Wow.

My system: PSB Image T55 towers, and center, Axiom QS8 surrounds, B&W ASW650 sub (10" 200W Class D), Denon AVR 3300 (105 w/5, but not really ), PS3, Samsung 50" DLP RPTV. Oh, and levitating wires hand-forged by a deaf monk in the bottom of an active volcano, and a 500-crystal changer to apply the correct crystal to the wires and amp according to sound type and genre.

Panny 3000 PJ, 118" Carada, Denon 3300, PS3, Axiom QS8, PSB 5T, B&W sub, levitating speaker wire