Originally Posted By: ClubNeon
OK, it's been four weeks since I placed the order for my QS8s ...

WAF - The factors to be evaluated before making someone my wife. First, she must like my HT.

Thanks for the review on your QS8 experience.
"First, she must like my HT." Funny, my experience in dating, years ago, was when I would mention a nice sound system, she'd say: "That's nice" politely, not having the least interest. It may be akin to women dressing for other women. Not that we would (admit ;o) have a nice stereo (these days HT) for other guys, but it seems they appreciate a good set up.

So a wife 'liking' your HT may turn into a wife having no problem with your HT being a pretty good find. ;\)
I got very lucky in the wife OK with HT department. I never knew until I got bitten by the bug here and over at AVS. Dollars have been marching out of the house. She says, well I'm glad you don't spend ton's on other things, etc. I love this woman.

Chris, while you may not find an audiophile, you will attract a wonderful lady.



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