Your sister is more than welcome if she is interested. My wife will likely find things to do away from home. She does not 'get' all this energy over HT/sound. It's not like we are talking about something important like shoes/clothes or something! ;o)

HEH! I just remembered I have a speaker switch stored away that I used at my old house for stereo to multiple room. I just got lucky and found it! Ha! It is a GC Electronics Cat.No. 30-8712 with A/B source input (woo hoo, I can A/B test my 1909 to a 2809 or 3808 if I get one) and switching for 5 pairs of speakers. Instructions (even more amazed I found them!) say it can be used with amps rated up to 100watts RMS and is designed for amps which accept a minimum speaker impedance of 4 ohms.

Does this sound like it would do the job?

It can select protection circuit on/off. It notes: "Some audiouphiles may prefer to switch off the protection when it is not needed". I wonder if it hinders the signal? If I do get 2809 or 3808 to test along the 1909, do you think their 115/130w would be a problem? It says connect with 18 ga wire. Pfhht! Getting my current 12 ga wire in the small terminal block may be a challenge. But if I connect speakers with 14 ga wire that should be more than adequate and not impinge on SQ, I believe.


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."