I had just assumed 80's and 60's had been compared many times already. I will do a search for the 'M60/M80 comparison' thread. And Jay, I did not call in the cancellation yet. I figured it was possible you guys might have some good reasons to keep them coming. So if I hear that recommendation from any 'respected' posters besides hosers like you and Randy, I will take that under consideration. \:D \:D \:D \:D

(Oops, I just looked up 'hoser'. It said see idiot.
My only exposure to it was from 'Strange Brew'. So I mean it in that sense! ;o) Or as I sometimes say to a good friend after a somewhat strong ribbing: "I mean that in a loving, caring way!"

Last edited by davekro; 03/22/09 05:44 PM.


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."