One of the first things I learned about, when I started to research how to put together a home theater, was about the speaker wiring. I literally had no idea what was involved in terms of wiring for home theater. When trying to research that topic to generally learn about the subject, I ended up in a thread on the AVS site where they were debating speaker wire. I was surprised when I became really interested in the topic, including the level of detail people provided when making their arguments. In other words, it seemed like some really smart people were thinking in detail about an issue as seemingly mundane as speaker wire, and that fascinated me. Even to the novice, it became clear that paying a lot for speaker wire was just throwing money away. To this day, it makes me mad when I go into Best Buy or similar stores and see just how expensive their speaker wire is (as well as all other calbes, really). On the one hand, I guess Monster and similar companies deserve some credit for great marketing. On the other hand . . . .

I don't remember if I learned about Monoprice here are on the AVS forum, but that site literally has saved me hundreds of dollars.