Sirquack, I don’t ever recall saying that your experience and satisfaction with Audyssey are invalid because of my experience. However, you often content that my experiences, and those of others who prefers not to use Audyssey are in fact invalid because it works for you and many others.

Given the complexity of any audio system in dissimilar rooms with different listeners any one-size-fits-all solution is inherently problematic. Just to many variables most salient of which is personal preference.

I have no doubt that I have run Audyssey more times than you probably ever will, and done it properly since following a checklist is not that difficult especially for someone who does so for a living. Done it in 3 different rooms with different levels of performance each time. While using a total of 3 different variations of Audyssey.

I can say without reservation that the only thing Audyssey, in my receiver, improves in my present room is the width of the front soundstage by allowing the use of wide speakers. Yes that’s my opinion and I’ve never tried to force it on you or anyone else. I encourage people to try Audyssey since they paid for it. However, I also encourage them to listen to what their ears, not other people who’ve never heard their system, are telling them which in the end is what really matters IMO.

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