Well, there hasn't been as much going on with this as I would have hoped. A very thorough walk through with the plumber lead to a longer and longer list of more and more involved tasks that I felt were beyond my comfort level or time schedule. So, we looked into a recommended carpenter/handyman. He came by last Sunday and is starting tomorrow.

We're now going to demo all the kitchen cabinets (Yeah, Tom, you called caused that one!) starting tomorrow. We're going to put in a dishwasher (never had one of those before!!) and even doing some can LED lights over the sink and LED under counter lights, etc.

We've also confirmed that underneath the old, dark green lino, we have the same maple floors we have in the rest of the house. Let's hope they're in good condition, because we're ripping out all the lino before we give up our borrowed truck over Thanksgiving.

It's gotten more involved and, of course, lots more expensive.

But Bob has made himself available for my questions. He has no idea what he's in for!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::