Well, I'm still doing comparisons. This morning, I auditioned some Paradigm Titans and Mini Monitors. I found the Titans to be only fair. The Mini Monitors were more impressive--while they were being played on a $1,000 receiver. When switched to a $300 receiver, the sound was appreciably poorer. I asked the salesman if all the controls were equal on both receivers and he asured me they were. Of course, nothing will sound in a showroom the way it will on my old Sony receiver. So many variables!

Now to the Athena AS-B2's I purchased(and still have). I thought they might be good competitors for the Axioms when I played a few CDs through them. But today, I played a DVD on my Panasonic Rv-32 and the Athenas were quite disappointing! And I did make a few adjustments to the controls.

I have another question regarding speaker "break in". I know that there are many opinions on the subject in these forums. The Axiom owners manual only gives a nod to this, but the Athena brochure clearly states a suggested 50-100 hours of break in. My question is this: does this have to be CONSECUTIVE hours or just accumulated. I'm not really in the habit of leaving my equipment on all day.

Thanks for any input!