Well, I managed to get the house nice & quiet except for a Medevac Helo that threatened to spoil things, but I certainly won't complain about that.

After adjusting my tripod quite a bit shorter, I proceeded to run the Pattern 101 on the center couch cushion. It was much less of a PITA than wrestling with a widely splayed tripod on the floor, ha!

Anyway it went really well & it came up with the following parameters that I think are quite accurate:

Cross Over (Speakers All Small):

Front (M22s): 40 Hz (I manually set it to 60 Hz)

Center (VP100): 90 Hz

Surrounds (QS4s): 90 Hz


FL: -3.5
FR: -3.5

C: -0.5

Subs: -6.5

SL: -1.0
SR: 0.0


FL: 12.2'
FR: 12.1'

C: 12.1'

Subs: 13.9'

SL: 7.7'
SR: 13.4' (accurate as the back wall is not centered on the couch)

Now to test the results...