10 years so far. Before that I had different speakers and was working on getting *those* set up right.

Actually that's not totally correct -- the M60s seemed to be less picky than most about location, and once I learned not to toe them in as much as I was used to everything pretty much fell into place. What really mattered with them was getting the room right.

With the M40s and other smaller speakers, placement seemed to make much more of a difference and I'm still tweaking when time permits. My current theory is that the bigger Axioms spread the bass out enough (by having ports all over the place) to at least slightly average out the impact of room effects (kinda like having multiple subwoofers).

If you really want to get warned, there are a pair of AX2s and what seems to be a passive (dual voice coil) AX500 subwoofer on CAM too. I'm trying for fewer speakers at the moment, not more, but it's still tempting smile

Last edited by bridgman; 12/19/14 12:25 PM.

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8