Hi all. Not a regular on this board but thought I'd just mention that I got the tracking info for my real wood finish M5s. If anyone is curious what they look like in natural maple (semi-gloss) I can post pics when they arrive.

Of course more important is what they'll sound like. Thinking about what I'll be queuing up smile

I've recently been listening to ambient piano works like those of Harold Budd's. Harold Budd and Cocteau Twins' The Moon and the Melodies is a great album. Ulver's, and Dead Can Dance's catalogs but mostly the really lush albums like Shadows of the Sun and Dead Can Dance's most recent. Jazz of course is always good to audition speakers on. One of the liveliest albums I know, with incredible dynamics, good for auditioning, is John Zorn's Naked City. Some old school progressive rock perhaps, Gentle Giant and King Crimson (just their debut album, nothing after that).

What have you all who have received yours been listening to?