Mark, just thinking out loud and using the premise that your HT is WAY more important than the closet.

If you have some room on the left side of the door or if you don't need to open the door all the way (and I'm guessing you'll spend more time listening to/watching your HT than you will opening the door), you might want to set one of the M60's on the left side of the room, (running the wire around the door frame to connect it).

Would you still be able to open the door enough to get in the closet? This would give you a wider sound stage. Then you can take the rest of your rig and shift it to the left, closer to the right side of the door. Also allows you to put the sub into the corner (possibly improving your LFE output and gets the M60s OUT of the corners.

If you end up with a visual/balance problem (work with me here), you might consider hanging a floor to ceiling curtain the length of the room behind your HT. Probably designed so you can still get at the door.

If that doesn't work, blow the back of the room out and put on a 20x30 addition.