Well, I'll be the lone voice of non-dissention.

I generally do watch the Grammy's each year and think that this was, by a country mile, the best one in quite a few years.

I don't really follow many of the top-40, hip-hop or R&B artists much anymore, but there were still more live performances, and a much, much wider variety of them then usual. As someone who has a tiny bit of experience with video and audio production, I'm amazed that the entire show went off without a hitch, as there were some very complex multi-performer sequences. The high-def imagery was very good; the 5.1 sound was excellent considering the complexity of all those performances.

While it was kinda "Ray Heavy", that was virtually unavoidable with an album released, a top movie on his life released, and, coincidentally, his death this year.

I think the Grammys have had a hard time up against more hip awards shows such as the MTV music awards, and I think some of that has been evident in past years. This year, I think they pulled out all the stops and pulled it off.

I'll still take the Grammys over the MTV awards with it's emphasis on Bling and posses' and posturing.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::