I actually wanted to get the Ray Charles SACD, but no, I haven't heard it.

Yeah, now that I think about it, I was commenting on the show itself and the performances. I don't really pay attention to who wins in each category. As others had said, it's usually some top-40 flavor of the week that I've likely heard of, but don't really know anything about. I guess that makes me old! Funny thing is, I kept up with current music (alternative/rock, not pop) till just a few years ago. But now, I think I just don't care about today's flavor.

I did appreciate the fact that they gave a bit of homage to some "legends" with Lifetime Achievement awards. As a whole, there seemed to be a much higher percentage of performances in ratio to "lesser" awards this year compared to past years...

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::