I'm a huge Joss Stone fan. I kept her name in TiVo so it could search out times when she was on Letterman or the Tonight Show.

I didn't really think she was at her best and yes, Etheridge definitely was. Good for her for not only kicking A**, but doing it while on Chemo.

I was seriously crushing on Alicia Keys. I've always thought that she had great, great talent and can have a VERY long career If only she'd drop the R&B stuff and let her voice dominate! Is there a pop female out there who doesn't think it's positively necessary to duet with a male rapper? It's become such a cliche! And yes, I like rap...mostly semi-old school Ice-T, Ice Cube, Public Enemy, etc....

But the female singer/male rapper thing has been SO overdone in the last five years!

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::