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When I get the money to upgrade my viewing capabilities, will one of you guys come down and help? I'm scared now.

It's really not that daunting a task... you just have to realize what the limitations of technology are, and right now is not the time to be buying displays (sad but true) - everyone's still got their hat in the ring on the HD standard... or non-standard - the letters HD mean nothing anymore - they're used in so many ways, they've lost all meaning... hell, the middle setting on an APS snapshot camera has now been renamed "HD" - it's wider than classic (1.5:1 ratio) prints. (actually, the neg is shot at "classic" it's just tagged to be cropped at print time to look wider - and gets grainy)

The HDTV debacle makes VHS vs Beta look like a fight over where to put the couch. And until a real standard gets pinched off by whoever has the strongest marketing campaign, I'll stick to my 4:3 27" tube TV. I am pulling for 1080i - I prefer an interlaced display. Of course, the skateboard video kids and music video producers for "ExTr33m Bl1nG" mook rock-rap bands you'll never hear of like shooting progressive to give their $1000 Panasonic handicams "film cred, yo!"

Geez, I've been taking my share of rants lately - there's so much marketing BS that gets swallowed that I feel like my head will explode every time I hear it.

Bren R.