If the money spent on a HTPC was used to buy a projector made by a manufacturer besides BenQ - I company I wouldn't even let make my mouse, then anything popping out a usable video signal to the onboard scaler will look tickity-boo. $700 project + $1000 HTPC - what's the balance of spending here? Spending 40% more on a glorified line doubler than you spend on the actual display?

As Debbie Harry one said, once more into the bleach:

speakers that are not flat are not as good as Axioms
Correct. Speaker response flatness over the audible spectrum defines speaker quality. Reference speakers are as flat as possible. You wouldn't buy film that had a big hump in skin tones - look, dear... everyone in our photos looks like Michael Jackson, a featureless set of lips and nostrils!

high end speaker wires has no value
It's good for the economy. That's a value.

all amps are created equal
Not even remotely true, that's why amps have current and wattage ratings and different numbers of channels, some are bridgable... etc.

tube amps are a heresy to the music and solid state is king
Accurate reproduction is king. Though for live performance, I can appreciate a good SWR tube head on a stage rig.

room equalization through speaker frequency manipulation is bad
I didn't chime in on this one, but I do believe EQing is evil. Maybe with a flat set of speakers and some solid state amplification, you wouldn't need to EQ. (knew that ACME bear trap would come in handy)

all CD & DVD players are created equal in presentation of music
Regarding digital outs - if they's kin read the disc data, they's as good as they's kin git. More money does not get you better 0s and 1s!

$50 DVD is a good enough solution. HTPC need not apply
If your projector isn't made in a 4th world country by an advanced race of midget apes and does it's internal resizing through an organic system based primarily on monkey dung, then yeah.

Bren R.