"That seems insane to me, with a quick "count and multiply" here I'm at about 250 CDs and I'm struggling to find other CDs when I feel like new tunes. Even with money and availability no object, I'm not sure I could top 500. "

Yeah, Me Too! ;-)
Actually I am starting to hit the wall as well.
But, I am somewhat of a binge buyer.
Got into Electric Miles, and had to have it all. Then all of the acoustic stuff with his two important bands. Same with Coltrane. Then it was on to Wayne Shorter and Herbie Hancock. Geeezzz, that Jazz thing is really the bottomless money pit!
I'm kind of a complete-ist. All of the Los Lobos. All Dave Alvin, ect, ect...
And I go through fazes. Jazz, Latin, Dylan, John Lee Hooker, Live Zappa, whatever, and kind of go crazy for a while, devouring everything I can get my hands on.
And there are some guys that I just think deserve to be supported because of their commitment to their craft, and I want to do my little part to see that they get to continue to record. David Grisman, Dave Alvin, Rick Shea, Wilco, blah, blah. So I'll buy anything they put out.
I don't listen to a lot of it all of the time, but when I want to hear something, I can pull it out and listen.
Hey, it could be worse. Could be Slow Horses, Fast Women, & Cocaine!
Or Halos and M80s! ;-)

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