>>How do you get your pics in line w/ the text like that? I can't seem to get the HTML text right to point to my picture's URL.

First and foremost, your pictures need to be stored on a web server so that you can type in the URL of the picture itself (not a page with the picture on it) and see the picture in a browser. Just saying this "in case..."

To make the image appear in a post, just do the following (I have to spell it out bit by bit or the site will grab what I type and try to turn it into an image...) :

1. Open square bracket
2. The letters IMG
3. Close square bracket
4. The actual URL, ideally pasted from the browser address line where you confirmed the picture could be viewed (this solves a lot of problems)
5. Open square bracket
6. A slash "/"
7. The letters IMG
8. Close square bracket

That should work. Good luck !

M60ti, VP180, QS8, M2ti, EP500, PC-Plus 20-39
M5HP, M40ti, Sierra-1
LFR1100 active, ADA1500-4 and -8