When I went to the midnight showing, the people around me either had alergies that developed about an hour into the movie (after sitting for about 2 hours before the movie started with no problems, or were crying. I hear a lot of sniffling and so forth.

Then again, Star Wars has been a part of my life since I was 5 years old when my parents took me to see it in the drive it. I only have a few memories of being 5, but Star Wars is one of them. I don't recall the entire movie from when I was 5, in fact I only really remember the parts that are "scarier" for a 5 year old (at 1977 standards, kids today are much more immune), but when Luke's uncles farm is toasted by the troopers, and when Obi Wan dies are two sceens that I can actually remember from 1977. I of course remember more of the movie since buying my own copy in my late teens, and then the special edition (still on VHS) several years ago.

So, for this almost 33 year old, star wars has been around for pretty much all of my rememberable life, so it is a little "hard" to see it over. Trust me though. It has now been 1 week since I saw it, and that feeling goes away.

Heck, I even felt that way after the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Whenever you are drawn into a story so deeply, you create attachment to the characters that you like, and when the story has been told and the characters go away, it would seem normal to feel a sense of loss.

Oh, and for those that are wondering, yes, I still ahve the VHS copies of the special edition EP4, 5, & 6. I haven't watched them in about 4 years, and don't know why I even hang on to them. I do not own any of the DVDs for any of the Star Wars films. I am waiting for the full 6 episode box set to come out. My guess is that I will be waiting 2.5 years for that. This Christmas will be EP3 on DVD, next year will be EP1, 2, & 3 trilogy box set, and then the year after will be all 6 boxed together for some crazy price.

Farewell - June 4, 2020