yea, we have one of those Tinseltown franschise theaters they built about 3-4 years ago. it has like 14 screens, but the sound is still horrible compared to my home system.

well, after 25 minutes of commercials and previews, the movie finally started. the large opening 'wall of sound' was just weak compared to watching them at home, so i started with a bitter taste in my mouth. the opening battle sequence was a little over the top(big surprise), and i think to myself, "if the rest of it is like this, i am gonna hate it". but, thankfully, it toned down a bit, and the story kicked in. i did like how they made R2 the bad-a$$ we always knew he was, and i thought they did a good job of making you hate annikan, and make you feel sympathy for him at the same time. and i felt an overall sense of sadness and betrayal when they executed "program 66". it just deflated me.

anyway, still over the top graphics, but what did i expect..? definitely the best of the new ones, but i cant help but be an old fogey.. i still prefer the originals, especially empire. that one is still the best to me.
