You know Seabear, when my wife and i went on the Axiom Factory tour, it 'coincidentally' was also our weekend for our anniversimoon.
We spent a honeymoon on our first anniversary at this great little spa resort about an hour ten from Dwight. The weekend was fantastic, something for everyone. Not only did i get to meet the fine folks at Axiom, but i was so excited before getting there that i forgot all the questions i wanted to ask. In fact, i may have come off as somewhat quiet and/or possibly babbling, i'm not sure, i'll have to ask Amie. But after having left, i was talking about stuff the entire weekend. My poor wife's ears.
Of course the spa treatments, hot tubbiing and aromatherapy that followed was just a bonus. For my wife it was heaven (she was several months pregnant at the time).

Southern Ontario in the fall is truly amazing. The maples and birches all turn red and yellow and fall harvests are plenty bountiful.
Late summer blueberries, mmm.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."