Yeooow! You did it, didn't you? You built MY Speaker!!!

You did it the Easy way!!(Yeah, Right!!)

I've been daydreaming lately....OK..OK!, for the last few years!! About a full-range center that'll match up with the rest of my speakers.

I know someone who works in a custom woodworking shop and has access to a really fine high precission bandsaw capable of producing accurate cuts thru MDF boxes to-on a good day-within .002" consistently!(he thinks) And better than that-reassembling them back together in whatever order required!

Now all I have to do is disassemble an M3, accurately measure the internal vol; accurately measure(by displacement)the single port to get it's effective I.D. and length; Do a bit of reverse engineering to come up with the Thiele Small Parameters; extrapolate to get the appropriate Vb to get, say, an f3 of about, oh, I dunno, about 58 with TWO of those lovely 6.5s!(That'l match up with my M50s quite well) Then cut two M3s apart at just the right dimensions to give a total assembled net vol, but still stay symetrical, to get that required Vb; glue them back together and start cutting ports at an appropriate starting length; start adding baffling, and begin taking speaker output measurements, continue cutting ports(so I cut it again, and it's Still Too Short!) and adding or removing baffling while chasing numbers to come up with something that may still not sound.....


Hey Ian!...Remember that Merak speaker you built a few years back...You know..the one with the two 6.5s?.....